As most of you heard, Matthew thought he would see how long it takes to get to the hospital in an emergency. Last Thursday, Matthew was working in the tabernacle and his thumb got cut by a chop saw (which is an electric saw used to cut 2x4's). Not knowing the severity of the accident and knowing the power of the saw, Matthew grabbed his thumb didn't let go and jumped in the truck with my dad. My dad driving at extremely fast speed at points of going 100 got to the hospital in 12 minutes which usually takes 25 minutes. Matthew's exact words were, "Your dad DROVE GOOD, It is important to have someone get you there quick in times like that." Matthew didn't let go of his thumb until they were in the E.R. and they made him let go of it. My dad and Matthew kept the severity of the situation away from my ears in fear of sending me into labor. They called and let us know they were going to the hospital. By the time I got there, Matthew had been heavily medicated and the Drs. had good reports so not quite as intense as the intial entrance to the hospital. The dr. did continue to ask me as they were cleaning and working on his thumb if I was doing ok. Matthew's thumb is still very tender and he doesn't like to move it much or put it below his heart but it is doing much better. The dr. told him it would be 6-8 weeks before it would be completely healed to the point he can use it but we are believing in a much quicker recovery. Matthew enjoys working with his hands and has found out how valuable his thumb is in working with his hand and says he knows God will give him a quicker recovery. Matthew has joined my club of weekly drs. visits, as well. But after this incident we do know we can make it to the hospital in 12 minutes if we have to.
Baby is doing well, I am 37 weeks and would be considered full term when she arrives from this point on. Our little one is gaining around 1/2 ounces everyday and practicing blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling, and gripping. The dr. says I am not ripe yet and he said he would like to tell me based on that around when I will have her but that is really not accurate. He said some women can be dilated 2-4 inche and be 50% effaced for weeks and some women can not be dilated at all and go into labor within the week. Babies come at their own timing. The dr. also informed that I could not possibly carry her any higher and she can not grow any further up. My ribs definately realize that she is high and her body consistently hits them. Thankfully, I am not uncomfortable at all and have no swelling. For the first time in my pregnancy it seems I am more tired during the day and have a harder time falling asleep at night. I mostly can't sleep at night because I think about all the things I need to get done before she arrives. Matthew and I are attending birthing class on Saturday. He is not so thrilled that it is from 8:30 to 3:30.
The nursery is almost completely done. I am just waiting on a corner shelf from Kansas City. We have pretty much purchased all of the things we needed to start off with, that I could think of. I am sure there is plenty of things I didn't think of or forgot. I also have to put pictures on the walls they are pretty bare. I plan on using the little time I have left to get things ready and spring clean. I know after baby comes I will not have much time on my hands as it goes into busy season at the camp.
Me at 37 weeks, as you can see a very high large basketball is my bump :-)