Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Busy Week

Last week was such a busy week because it was my Mom's Birthday and it was my sweet girl's 2nd Birthday. (More details about her party to come).

I am a mom that absolutely always takes both of my babies with me on errands and love every minute of it. It is easier for me to take them than to leave them. Niah (my now 2 yr old) loves running errands with me and is usually so good while we do it, little man (almost 4 months) does not care where he is as long as he is with his mommy. Last week involved 4 trips to the grocery store, several shopping trips to various store, and a lot of random stops for random items for Niah's party.

The week involved:

A lot of baking

The 2 cakes I made last week, 1 for my mom and 1 for Niah

Panera breakfast (our favorite breakfast spot)

A lot of time in the car
Good weather means time for a walk to take a break after the long week
Some decorating

Sweet girl borrowing her cousins hat
These are my 2 favorite kids and love them to pieces

My favorite part of a busy day is snuggle time
Overall it was a great week that was busy but involved a lot of our favorite things to make it fun

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